Our house was mentioned for the first time in 1387. A certain Mister Hunt was registered as the owner (feudal taker). This name Hunt is believed to be of Irish origin. During this age, several Archbishops of Salzburg were called who were of Irish descent.
In the wake of the Irish bishops were hunters and adventurers, including the aforementioned Mister Hunt. He obviously felt so comfortable in the seclusion of the Berchtesgadener Land that he began to clear the wonderful place. In the Eastern Alps, clearing was called "riding" or "Reuten". Thus the Misters Hunt became the "dog riding" from the clearing. The individual farmsteads were later given as fiefs by the princes of Berchtesgaden. This is how the name Huntsreitlehen came about. Incidentally, most of the old farmhouses in our area have the addition "fiefs" in their names. Over the centuries the name Hunt became a dog, and since then it has been simply called "Hundsreitlehen".
Mr. Jakob Piedersdorfer bought the property in 1906 and handed it over to his daughter Maria Selbertinger around 40 years later. In 1968 the Hundsreitlehen was handed over to their son, Mr. Michael Selbertinger. A short time later, the first major construction step took place, in which the new main building was built next to the historic and listed building. When it was completed around 1970, it was Elisabeth and Michael’s entry into the catering and hotel industry.
The Hundsreitlehen has been owned by Markus Selbertinger and his wife Angelika Selbertinger since 1998. We have always strived for the well-being of our guests and attach great importance to the durability of the house. Extensions, renovations and annual renovation work (during closing times) ensure a cozy and comfortable ambience.
Since July 2001, after the birth of the twins Hannah and Andreas, 3 generations of the Selbertinger family have been living in Hundsreitlehen again.
In autumn 2001 we decided to only run the restaurant for house guests. Furthermore, our guests are personally cooked by Markus Selbertinger from an extensive menu.